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CJ Jackson

Host, Business Review

C.J. Jackson drives on sunshine and thrives on family, NPR and PBS. She is the assistant dean of communications and marketing at Baylor University’s Hankamer School of Business and host of public radio’s “Business Review.” Previously, she was director of marketing communications for a large, multinational corporation. C.J. has two daughters—Bri in San Antonio and Devon in Chicago—and four grandchildren. She lives with a little yellow cat named for an ancient Hawaiian tripping weapon.

  • In exploring AI accountability, Dr. Yulia Sullivan unravels the intricate dimensions revealing a shared blame game among AI, developers, companies, and end users. As ethical considerations become paramount, the question lingers: Who will shape the responsible integration of moral values into AI designs?
  • In the vast realm of cybersecurity challenges, Dr. Dan Pienta, delves into the cunning tactics of whaling attacks targeting high-ranking individuals.
  • In the vast realm of cybersecurity challenges, Dr. Dan Pienta, delves into the cunning tactics of whaling attacks targeting high-ranking individuals.
  • Stephanie Nadi Olson reimagines hiring. The twist? A transformative approach benefitting job seekers and employers alike.
  • Stephanie Nadi Olsson reimagines hiring. The twist? A transformative approach benefitting job seekers and employers alike.
  • Dr. Peter Klein, highlights the intricacies of ownership competence, emphasizing the significant impact ownership structures have on decision-making dynamics and overall business performance.
  • The experience Ilka Gregory gained by playing the demanding and aggressive sport of rugby has provided her with valuable business advice. Gregory shares how the sport equipped her with the skills to handle fast paced and challenging environments.
  • The experience Ilka Gregory gained by playing the demanding and aggressive sport of rugby has provided her with valuable business advice. Gregory shares how the sport equipped her with the skills to handle fast paced and challenging environments.
  • There are many things that the brain allows us to accomplish, from achieving our dreams to reaching our goals. To unlock the dream-making potential, Tom Corely explains the importance of setting goals.
  • There are many things that the brain allows us to accomplish, from achieving our dreams to reaching our goals. To unlock the dream-making potential, Tom Corely explains the importance of setting goals.