The crossover effects of work and home
I’m CJ Jackson and this is the Business Review
We all know that work can affect our home life. Dr. Dawn Carlson, professor of management, discusses the crossover effects of the work and home.
This particular research is looking at the fact that the demands from work spill over to affect the family, but also that they bounce back to affect work. There's lots of things that we know already that work affects your family, right? That when you're tired from work, you come home and you're less likely to be able to engage with your family. You're more likely to get frustrated easy, those kind of things. That's not surprising. That's not new. We knew that. We've also known that work affects work, right? So that if I'm really stressed at work, then my performance decreases. My satisfaction I don’t love my job as much. Those kinds of things. But what we didn't know was how the fact that work affected family, it bounced back.
Individuals and organizations need to understand that the impacts of work and home are connected It really has the ability to affect organizations, as well as individuals, more effectively cope with the fact that we're all involved in multiple domains, whatever those may be. I'm stressed at work. I see that it's impacting how I deal with my family, and that makes me not like my job as much or not be as likely to stay. And for the organization, that creates turnover, and turnover costs money. Organizations should care.
The business review is a production of KWBU, Livingston & McKay, and the Hankamer School of Business at Baylor University.