Curtis Young and the Five Singing Sons made several bouncy, upbeat gospel albums for the fine AIR – Atlanta International Records label – in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. They were just ahead of the heavy gospel funk era... but a little too late for the Jackson 5 ... but still recorded memorable gospel music.
Alas, the group’s LPs never identified any of the singers beyond Curtis Young, so we’ll never know for sure who is singing the lead on their wonderful version of Candi Staton’s hit, “God Can Make Something Out of Nothing.” But whoever it was, he could have made a career sounding like a very young Michael Jackson, especially during his “ABC” and “I Want You Back” days!
MUSIC: (2420) Curtis Young and the Five Singing Sons, Only One Way LP, “God Can Make Something Out of Nothing,” Side 2, Track 3, May 19, 2024